Thursday, March 11, 2010


I like to work with oracle cards in my personal internal work each morning. And the card I selected for today was JOY. Here's what the card's meaning said:

"It's simple: your purpose in life is to experience joy! That's all that's required of you as a Soul. Whatever your circumstances, there's always something that can bring you delight, and what you put your attention on will grow. When you focus on the areas of your life that bring you joy, these areas will prosper. One of the fastest paths to happiness is through sharing and giving, so give of your heart and share your love. Happiness spreads to others like wildfire and can help heal the world. Dance and sing with abandon: Joy is your spiritual birthright."

from Denise Linn's Soul Coaching Oracle Cards Guidebook

I invite you to consider JOY as a key ingredient in your personal Sensual Alchemy. With JOY, anything is possible!