Somewhere in a dark cave within my awareness, I realized I had not been expressing my most innate exclamation points of purpose. I have many gifts, that are valuable and life-affirming, yet how much more satisfaction I derive as a creative, living being when I activate the ones that I source from my Truest nature.
I AM soul alchemist. I am sensual oracle. I am erotic artist. I am sexual shaman. I AM willful creator. I AM at-peace with WHO I BE.
What I offer is an Alchemical Journey. You may not be accustomed to a description of body work and sacred sensual work quite like this. What exactly is an Alchemical Journey, you might ask? It is a sacred container of time set aside with the intention of engaging the mind, the body and the spirit in ways that invoke the three sisters of sanity: Serenity, Surrender, and Alignment.
The BODY is our sacred vessel. You may think of it as flesh, muscle, bone. And yes, you would be correct in your understanding of what comprises the body’s purely physical components. But I invite you to query deeper. The body, at its most atomic expression is energy, pure life force energy. The body is a container for animus, for Divine-Spirit. Imagine a smoothie being poured into a cup. The body is the cup for the smoothie of our essence. All the components, qualities, aspects that comprise our Being…their address is the body.
The MIND is our sacred tool. With this tool we carve, chisel and manifest our creative impulses. From left brain to right brain and back again – the mind is the culmination of millions of years of human evolution tracking and expanding awareness. When the mind is relaxed, it is revitalized, which in turn revitalizes the body. To keep the mind in a perpetual state of action burns out the mechanism, like keeping a car running even while it’s parked. Practicing surrender – conscious quiet, whole-body release—is a luscious, deep gift. Priceless and infinitely rewarding.
The SPIRIT. Ahhhhhh—the spirit! A domain that is put last when it may serve us best when put first. Culture and media are very good at distracting us away from Spirit. When we choose connection with Spirit, we realize that lack, worthlessness, shame, etc are all blasé stories. Connection with Spirit reminds us that we are innately Whole, Perfect and Brilliant in every way! So, what is Spirit, you might ask? Well, there’s no one definition to that question. Spirit is an indefinable essence of Being. I personally define spirit as my awareness of connection to the Oneness of All That Is. Spirit is the Source of Oneness that expresses its essence as creative impulse, as life, as manifestation. Spirit is Sanctuary. Spirit is Sacred Space. Spirit is the Higher Self. Spirit is Soul. And the Soul loves the truth, loves authenticity, loves purity and peace.
In the Alchemical Journey, these three aspects of your Self are re-united. How regularly we resign ourselves to living lives of quiet desperation: worried, afraid, fearsome, loathsome, lonesome. Lost, desperately lost, in an illusion of a losing battle.
I invite you into a new story. Into an allegory of well-being, where in fact, you are the author of the tale. You are the winner of the game. You are the dreamer of the dream. You are the victor and the victory.
How can this reunion happen with just touch and gaze, you may wonder. Because the power of life force energy and the power of transmission surpass the logical time-space infused mind. The alchemical journey transpires outside of time, outside of space – in a timeless ether accessible with the help of the three sane sisters: serenity, surrender and alignment.